One-Man Mastermind


Today I learned something that begs to share.

Promise: what you are about to read If you are about to read what you have heard about before reading this, you owe a comment. And if you have heard about it before, share something you know. So, here it is…

Three percent (3%) of our population are one-person masterminds. This means that 3% can generate ideas, solve complex problems and recommend solutions. Small number; did you know that?

These people are INTJs, also called architects, with the following personality traits: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinkers, and Judges (INTJs). They are thoughtful tacticians who love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often private and very complex.

This, I never knew, I guess it is because I am not an INTJ myself.  

My mother forever repeated, “Learn one new thing every day.”   

Today, I learned about INTJs. You are probably saying the same thing.  

I have been a mastermind facilitator for eight years, and it’s today that I have heard about INTJs. Most of us have heard about “criminal masterminds.” 

Before today, I believed that only when two or more like-minded people gather they create a third mind: the mastermind. I rationalized that the label “criminal mastermind” was a Law Enforcement tool to describe the leader of a complex criminal enterprise. 

I reasoned that since these “criminal masterminds” always worked with a crew, they were in a mastermind group. It is rare to find them working alone.   

I based my thinking on Napoleon Hill’s mastermind concept. 

If you don’t know, in 1937, Napoleon Hill published his book, “Think and Grow Rich;” he gave birth to the original mastermind concept. 

“When two or more minds meet in harmony, they create a third more intelligent mind: the mastermind”. But long before writing that, you may recognize a similar idea in a Bible verse; “…wherever two or more gather; I am present.” It was not a new concept. The idea of mastermind groups is ubiquitous in every aspect of our society. Mastermind groups benefits are intangible and valuable to our existence.  

For entrepreneurs and individuals working alone, these intangibles include and are not limited to; accountability, networking, brainstorming, and support. 

Members learn by doing, get increased confidence, see the same ideas from different perspectives, access valuable feedback, and expand their personal and business networks. Benefits Of Mastermind Groups For Entrepreneurs – CEO Networking | BEST CEOS GROUP & Entrepreneur Examples – CEO Hangout

In contrast, the individual masterminds or INTJs is a classification from the Myers-Briggs (personality) Type Indicator (MBTI). There are examples of INTJs in movies like the TV Series CSI NY, where we learn about FBI profilers. 

These individuals have what can be called a superior intellect that they demonstrate with just a few bits and pieces of information; they can accurately describe perpetrators of specific crimes. They have abilities like introspection, analytical, and strategic all at the same time. 

They are also known for their high standards, innovative ideas, independence, and strong desire for competence and knowledge. INTJs are also called “the Architect” or “the Scientist,” “the Strategist,” or “the Mastermind”.  INTJ Personality Type: The Architect (simplypsychology.org)

Their talent for recognizing deeper connections and possibilities allows INTJs to solve problems using their critical thinking skills. They enjoy solitude; curiosity encourages them to learn from others and engage in collaborative conversation. They also use their strong attention to detail to produce high-quality work. 

Click here to learn more about INTJs and the careers they choose. 40 Best Careers for INTJ Personalities (Plus Salaries) | Indeed.com

It is unfair to compare what happens in a mastermind group to a person considered an Architect (INTJ) because they are two different entities.

I accept that INTJs are masterminds because of their superior intelligence. However, they can still benefit from being a mastermind member will enjoy collaborating with like-minded individuals who share their passion for knowledge and innovation.

Now, I ask again. Did you know about INTJs?  

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